Membership Form, Please Print & Mail to Address Below
Ontario County Genealogical Society
55 North Main Street
Canandaigua, New York 14424
Application for Membership
Name: ______________________/ ________________/____________________________/ ____________________________/
First Middle Maiden (if applicable) Last
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip Code: __________________
Phone: ____________________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________
Do you own a computer: ______ Genealogical Software: _____ Internet Access: ______
100% of the work for OCGS is done by our officers and members. On which committees would you be willing to assist if needed? If YES, please mark (X) for all of interest.
Cemeteries: ____ Census: ____ Computer: ____ Hospitality: ____ OCHS Projects: _____ Auditor _____ Website _____
OCHS Research Room Volunteer: ____ Resource Directory: ____ Other ________________________________________
Will you attend our meetings ? _____
Where did you hear about our society ? _______________________________________________________________________
Do you have any suggestions for our society, i.e. topics, projects, speakers, etc.?______________________________________
Surnames Researching City, Town, County, State Dates
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MEMBERSHIP FEE is $15.00 for single & $20.00 for family of two, due annually in September.
( The membership year runs from Sept - June )
Make Checks Payable To: Ontario County Genealogical Society
55 North Main St.,
Canandaigua, NY 14424